for me

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Walked into a world of ice... of ignorance.. of disregard..

Threatening to break apart the bond


aha.. super glue will never let me down... or money back gurantee..

as expected...wednesday was screwed.. as every wednesday is.

Went swimming after slacking in popular for 1 hr... Wah crap.. Cramp 2 times. So much chlorine.. So crowded.. Little kids running here and there..

Ah.. so many bad things.. but at least i swam 30 laps within 28 minutes.. 2 min improvement.. lol. what's there to be happy about.. still suck.. Perhaps. I should just pon swimming carnival. since so many people decided to join cuz of me.

JOkes.. Is that a good thing.. I dont know..

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


WANNA bite me..

PUNCH IT in the nose..

Kick its sorry butt..

Bash the hell out of it..

The dog.. lol die liaoz.. I dont care.. EAT DOG MEAT.

Lessons today were magiC!! I fell under the spell of the teachers.. only to be found deep in a trance..

A lame way to say i felt a sleep throughout the whole day..

Saturday, March 26, 2005

iLEARNING week gonna end soon.. rock on.. stupid laggy server. Been swimming 3 times a week.. sianz la.. today swim then suddenly rain... -.- luckily no thunder. today at maths tuition.. lol was crapping around like siao. Stuat, Elton, Brandon and some other school people plus me were sitting together. Then i started telling this joke. Tell one sentence, I laugh like crazy, then everyone start laughing like mad.. LOL this carried on like so long? Took 30 minutes to tell a joke.. haha good joke!

Chiong to BC after that.. zzz changed teacher, ah.. dont care.. then so tired.. stoning around.. Cause last night Brandon and Elt stay over at my house.. Pity my killer whale. got humped by both of them. Lol.. joking. but it was fun. we talked alot of cock. eat prata. Have fun. and mug. zz MUG. hate it..

That's like all?

Er.. ya. school gonna start. cant sleep late liaoz ..

Only one desire..

Damn that person spamming me.. Whatever.. u spam all u like. I delete till I like. Haha.. Lame.. Jokes.. whoever i offended.. lax k?

And have the courage to write your name, if you wanna spam someone... coward..

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I am feeling pretty wierd now. Demand everything to what I like and to suit me.. Damn myself. How can I be so selfish.. sorry guys.. will never do it again.

Monday, March 21, 2005

It's all about the timing... Will ever get it right.

AIR Rifle camp two.. nothing much to say liaoz.

Sec 1s .. I like them. Cute, listen to what u say and innocent, what bliss.. If only the sec 3s are as innocent as them, but that's not gonna happen.

The night walk was crap. Freaked the hell out of all the juniors. But they are real cowards, we went thru worse things, like watching a horror movie before it. Haiz...

Enuff of the camp, it's nothing interesting I assure you. Went swimming again, training for 1.5 km swim, i guess it's tiring, but i enjoy it, if only I can find some who is willing to go with me, wouldnt that be good? to have a good friend encouraging you on, and spurring you on. Hm.. Jia En seems to be a likely choice, since he wanna go when i asked him.

Really irresponsible of me to just wanna quit the club, elton lang and walter talked some sense into me. Without them, ill just be another .. I PROMISE I WILL MAKE THE CLUB A SUCCESS, present goal is
1. to recruit more committed member
2. get the members to respct the comm.
3. make the club stable

Yea, and I believe in myself, and the whole club.

I lost 3 kg. Coolio. On my way to becoming fitter.. rock on.

Training for pistol now. Next week training gonna start. Must commit myself, as I will almost surely make it to the team, and I dont wanna drag it down.

Went for movie two movies last week, crazy! got scolded for spending too much.

First movie, spongebob square pants.. not recommended unless u are real lame.. it's pure crap.
went with jev and elt.. haha got a front seat .. rocker sia..

Second movie, In good company, love that show, like cutter personality, it reminds me of myself sometimes, that extra enthu with lots of energy guy? lol.. But whatever...

Saw jessea and her bf there. Bert wanted to stalk her. but i yh and jev stopped him. haha

Friday, March 18, 2005

AIR RIFLE camp.. wow. so uninteresting.

Day 1
Go to school, met the rest of them. Then on the way saw the NCC people. Haiz.. why Yx and Aaron never pon camp, then dont need to see those losers. And so said hi and catch up with the rest of the ncc ppl before going off for camp. Put in charge of a group, with sec 1s and 2s. I would say they are pretty ok, at least they do what I tell them and they seems to work well as a group. Lol, motivated them to do a cheer after every activities, the only group who managed to do that. =)

Went for lunch. Isnt nice at all, actually, it's crap. After that, have treasure hunt, the worst activity of the whole day. Think i set a damn bad example, slacking and not helping to find, but er.. whatever la. Have make up for it in other activities. So we were first and owned the rest. At night, we had war games. It brought back bitter sweet memories. Memories of my batch doing the same thing, getting the same punishment, having the same look whenever we want to be given lesser stuff to do.

That time, I learned a lesson. Shallnt elaborate

But this time, I hope they learn about respect after the activity.
Saying things at the right time.

Respect is definitely earned. After the first day, being one of the seniors who pumped them the least, er.. they seem to enjoy slacking with me. Lol. but yea. maybe it's a good thing.

Shall continue tmr.. gonan sleep.

Sunday, March 13, 2005


I will know, I will understand

But when will that day come....

Friday, March 11, 2005

Morrison.. we shall dominate when we are fired up. Today, we closed the gap from hullet from 90 points to 17 points.. u just watch out. indeed, it was close, but no matter how close, a winner is a winner, a loser will be a loser.

But we shallnt be stuck at 4th place. cuz we will own at swimming carnival, still thinking of ways to make those morrisonians fired up. how?? i dont know. some one show me the yellow ray... to make them green with envy.... and to trash them and give them black eye all over... with red blood everywhere....

my dream

will it come true

i hope it will

Bubble tea sell finish liaoz.. shiok? Jia En mentioned in his blog that I am one of his close friends. haha coolio man, i know him for er.. 3 weeks? he's a nice person, just that he's damn racist.. but...
i like it...

TNF.. Worked like dog yesterday, left school at 9 pm . beat that. Was so beat, but i still chiong computer game. Got to know kuan fu better, my senior since pri 1. lol.. he damn scare of the dark, at night make a lot ppl go to toilet together =x But RI got so many ghosts, he is justified.

Feeling good now, even yi han finds that aaron is in the wrong. I mean yi han- the one person who dont care about this type of things say it's quite obvious aaron is trying to do everything, so he jealous when people do something.

Get a life... u cant do everything and u cant make everything right. So share the load.

Michelle saw me and walter and yelin and lang going to food court? she say i walked pass her.. got meh? i dont know la, was too pissed then to realise.

Aa and yx = talk whatever cross through his brainless mind.

Good joke eh? trying to be lame... courtesy of walter.

Slept thru out chem lessons today. Walter not as bad, slept thru 1/4 only. Was so boring, and she's so blur, I slept right in front of her, she like dont know at all...

THANK YOU TO ALL SIG MEMBERS and other ppl who made selling of the bubble tea a success--- zhi zhi, nicky, jian hui, 2a 2004 ppl, yh, jp, shailesh, lang,walter, elton, philbert, josh, guo nian.. and so on.. may forget some ppl but thank you all once again...

Friday, March 04, 2005

I was, I am, I will

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Why should I even care.. Those friendships.. they meant nothing.. screw off Yan Xiang

I am really pissed with you.. forget our friendship, all our dota matches, all the laning together, all the mugging.

It's hard to let go. But from Today, I shalln't care about you. YOU and probably aaron and shawn.

You are so different now. You changed alot. Because of? I have no idea. But I pray you will change.


let them pull you down..... Cause you are above them


you just watch your back..

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Doom lies ahead

Quoting from lang and Kai Bin

get a grip - me too [two]
beyond diversity and enzymes
immobilize the virosity
bypass Descartes and fishing webs
where rodents reign above men
immigrants except of chopsticks
Legends and Gods on print
equations of your reactions
gravity on mind and thought
governance and widespread corruption
resource your words and assets
this fallacy in your policy
yet befallen of the madness
so becoming of a shell
timely bechancing of explosives
adequate diabolicate
and whiteness runs on tape
and we're all blue on paper.


365 days of school
52 weeks of no playing
9 exams
at least 7 days of rest
1 fine day
1 exam slip.

kai bin

HELP! Save me from the diversity of the world
Get me a catalys to speed up lessons
Light rays bouncing around,
like I need them to teach me how
Kua kua, and granny yau
both 'marvellous' teachers drawing equations
Anecdotes, how ironic,
taught by a teacher who is desperate
Root this sum, square that one
PM lee and his old man
china man boasting abt china
Fallacies in the Government policy
Wind in India, causes wind in my stomach
Feeling blue, cause I am blue redefined..

Blah.. my crap piece.. throw it in the drain la.. compared to lang and kaibin.. but they taking lit, I dont. So dont compare!